Search results for "FDA Update"

Results 21 - 30 of about 72 for "FDA Update".
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FDA recommends transition to duodenoscopes with innovative designs

To date, the FDA has cleared three duodenoscopes with newer design features that can facilitate cleaning, reduce contamination, and reduce disease transmission following reprocessing.
24 Jan 2020

FDA limits packaging for loperamide to encourage safe use

To help address abuse and misuse, the FDA approved changes to the packaging for tablet and capsule forms of the over-the-counter antidiarrheal drug.
27 Sep 2019

Ulcerative colitis medicine may increase risk of serious heart-related problems, cancer

Preliminary results from a safety clinical trial indicate that tofacitinib may be associated with an increased risk of serious heart-related events and cancer compared to tumor necrosis factor inhibitors.
26 Feb 2021

Warning on risks of serious adverse events with use of fecal microbiota for transplantation

Several patients who have received fecal microbiota for transplantation from a U.S.-based stool bank have developed serious or life-threatening infections caused by pathogenic bacteria.
27 Mar 2020

HCV drug approved as 8-week regimen

The combination drug is indicated to treat all treatment-naive adults and some children who have chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes 1 through 6 infection, either without cirrhosis or with compensated cirrhosis.
25 Oct 2019

Ranitidine recalled due to detection of impurity

In response to the detection of N-nitrosodimethylamine, a probable carcinogen, several companies have recalled the histamine H2 receptor antagonist, although FDA testing has found that levels detected are low.
22 Nov 2019

Patient dies after fecal microbiota transplantation

One immunocompromised patient died and another was infected after receiving fecal microbiota for transplantation that contained multidrug-resistant bacteria, the FDA reported.
28 Jun 2019

First drug approved to treat thrombocytopenia in adults with chronic liver disease who are having a medical procedure

Patients who received the drug for five days had increased platelet counts compared to those taking placebo.
25 May 2018

Boxed warning added to liver disease drug

The drug has been incorrectly dosed daily instead of weekly in patients with moderate to severe primary biliary cholangitis, which increases the risk of serious liver injury, the FDA said.
23 Feb 2018

Incontinence management system recalled due to potential interference with other devices

About a month after issuing an urgent medical device correction, the manufacturer announced a class I recall of the WatchCare Incontinence Management System due to potential radio frequency interference with other medical devices.
23 Dec 2022

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