Search results for "Highlights"

Results 31 - 40 of about 244 for "Highlights".
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AGA issues guidance on diet, nutrition in IBD

A new clinical practice update from the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) covers the role of diet and nutritional therapies in managing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and identifying and treating malnutrition in IBD patients.
23 Feb 2024

For ulcerative colitis, ustekinumab safe, effective through 4 years, industry study finds

Most patients who had symptomatic remission of their ulcerative colitis on the drug maintained it without corticosteroids, an extension of a randomized trial found.
22 Dec 2023

In symptomatic adults undergoing high-resolution manometry, long-term opioid use was linked to esophageal dysmotility

The results of a recent meta-analysis highlight the need for clinicians to widen their perspective on the risks of opioids to include both upper and lower GI motility disorders, an ACP Journal Club commentary said.
22 Dec 2023

No-biopsy approach can diagnose celiac disease in select adults

IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase levels of at least 10 times the upper limit of normal have a sensitivity of 51% and specificity of 100% for predicting celiac disease in adults referred to secondary care, a meta-analysis found.
26 Jan 2024

Thalidomide reduced bleeding in patients with small-intestinal angiodysplasia

A total of 68.6% of patients who were randomized to 100 mg of thalidomide daily (taken in four doses a day) had a reduction of at least 50% in bleeding episodes in the year after treatment compared to 16% of those on placebo.
22 Dec 2023

Low-dose amitriptyline appears effective as second-line treatment for IBS

Patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who were randomized to titrated doses of a tricyclic antidepressant had significant improvements in their IBS symptom scores at six months compared to those receiving a placebo, a trial in primary care found.
27 Oct 2023

Fenofibrate may augment treatment for primary biliary cholangitis

Adding fenofibrate to ursodeoxycholic acid significantly increased the likelihood of biochemical response and normalization of alkaline phosphatase levels, a small trial in China found.
17 Nov 2023

Guideline newly recommends biomarkers to monitor Crohn's disease

The American Gastroenterological Association offered advice on using blood and stool tests to monitor inflammation and reduce the frequency of invasive endoscopy.
22 Dec 2023

Concurrent cholinesterase inhibitors, NSAIDs linked to peptic ulcer risk

Risk of peptic ulcers increased ninefold when patients ages 65 years and older took cholinesterase inhibitors and NSAIDs concurrently, a Swedish study found, leading the authors to suggest that the combination be considered potentially inappropriate for older patients.
17 Nov 2023

Less frequent dosing of bismuth quadruple therapy appears effective for H. pylori therapy

A study of Spanish patients found that single-capsule bismuth quadruple therapy administered three times a day was more effective for treating Helicobacter pylori than four times a day, with no differences in adherence or safety.
28 Jul 2023

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