Search results for "Highlights"

Results 21 - 30 of about 244 for "Highlights".
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Noninvasive methods show promise for CRC screening

A DNA blood-based test had approximately 83% sensitivity for colorectal cancer (CRC) and 13% sensitivity for advanced precancerous lesions in one industry-funded study, while a next-generation multitarget stool DNA test showed higher sensitivity but lower specificity for CRC and advanced precancerous lesions than fecal immunochemical testing in another.
22 Mar 2024

Tranexamic acid may help with upper GI bleeding after esophageal variceal ligation

Tranexamic acid significantly reduced upper GI bleeding after esophageal variceal ligation, but mortality rates were similar to those with placebo, a trial in India found.
22 Mar 2024

Review finds antibiotics associated with heightened risk of inflammatory bowel disease

There was a positive, nonlinear dose-response association between the number of antibiotic prescriptions patients received and their inflammatory bowel disease risk, according to a systematic review.
22 Mar 2024

Restricting PPI prescription refills reduced use without noticeable clinical effects

Restrictions on proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) refills for patients without a documented long-term indication were associated with a rapid and sustained 7.3% absolute reduction in such prescriptions—a relative decline of nearly 30%, a Veterans Affairs study found.
26 Apr 2024

Score validated to assess patients with laryngeal symptoms for risk of GERD

In a study of 856 adults with chronic laryngeal symptoms, researchers created and validated a risk score, called COuGH RefluX, that is 79% sensitive and 81% specific for identifying gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
23 Feb 2024

Spotlight on cholesterol and the liver

Very low low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels are associated with increased risk of liver complications in the general population, a European study found, while a study of Chinese patients with primary biliary cholangitis showed that high total cholesterol levels predicted liver disease.
23 Feb 2024

Undiagnosed liver disease frequently found among patients with cognitive impairment

Among 177,422 veterans with dementia and no prior cirrhosis diagnosis, 10.3% had a Fibrosis-4 score suggestive of advanced fibrosis and 5.3% had a score suggestive of cirrhosis.
23 Feb 2024

Serum ferritin values may improve risk stratification of MASLD patients

Baseline hyperferritinemia occurred in almost one-third of study patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) and was associated with higher stages of fibrosis.
26 Jan 2024

Cyclic vomiting syndrome affects 42 per 100,000 Medicaid beneficiaries, study finds

Within 30 days of diagnosis of cyclic vomiting syndrome, only 32% to 35% of adult patients had prescriptions for prophylactic treatment and 47% to 55% for acute treatment, according to an industry-funded study of U.S. claims databases.
26 Jan 2024

Spotlight on treatment response in Crohn's disease

Recent studies evaluated early versus late response to biologic therapy, treatment response and infection risk, and endoscopic outcomes.
26 Jan 2024

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