Search results for "Highlights"

Results 171 - 180 of about 234 for "Highlights".
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Effects of gastric acid suppression drugs on COVID-19 outcomes still unclear

A meta-analysis didn't find an association between famotidine use and severe disease or death from COVID-19, and the association of these outcomes with proton-pump inhibitors varied by study type.
26 Feb 2021

Weight loss interventions may improve biomarkers of liver disease in NAFLD

In a meta-analysis of 22 studies in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), weight loss interventions were associated with improvements in alanine aminotransferase level, liver steatosis, histologic NAFLD activity score, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
26 Jul 2019

Spotlight on Digestive Disease Week

Highlights from the conference, held this past week in San Diego, included new research and clinical tips on stopping Barrett's esophagus surveillance, diet and environmental risk factors in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and new research on proton-pump inhibitors.
24 May 2019

Efficacy, safety of second-line therapies analyzed for two types of IBS

A systematic review and network meta-analysis focused on alosetron, eluxadoline, ramosetron, and rifaximin in adult patients who had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with diarrhea or mixed stool.
26 Apr 2019

Hepatitis A infections nearly triple, with some states seeing 5-fold increase, CDC says

The increase primarily occurred among people who reported drug use or homelessness.
24 May 2019

Drinking coffee may reduce risk of death, disease progression in patients with advanced colorectal cancer, study finds

An editorial noted coffee's unique role in diet, as it is widely consumed as a daily habit, and explained why a potential link between coffee consumption and colorectal cancer is biologically plausible.
25 Sep 2020

Antibiotics may be associated with colon cancer risk in dose-dependent fashion

A case-control study found that patients who developed colon cancer, particularly in the proximal colon, were more likely to have taken antibiotics, whereas antibiotic use was not associated with increased risk of rectal cancer.
23 Aug 2019

Safe to stop 5-ASA therapy for Crohn's disease when anti-TNF agent is started, study finds

A retrospective trial showed no increase in new corticosteroid therapy or disease-related hospitalization or surgery among patients who discontinued 5-aminosalycilate (5-ASA) therapy when initiating an anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) agent.
23 Aug 2019

PPI use associated with more severe illness from COVID-19

A Korean cohort study did not find any association between use of proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) and risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2, but current use was associated with higher risk of a composite endpoint that included ICU admission, mechanical ventilation, or death from COVID-19.
28 Aug 2020

ACIP updates hepatitis A vaccination recommendations

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) changed its recommendations regarding vaccination of patients with chronic liver disease, pregnant women, and those treated with blood products for clotting disorders, among other revisions.
24 Jul 2020

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