In the News

Treatments for irritable bowel syndrome examined

A network meta-analysis looked at trials comparing soluble fiber, antispasmodic drugs, peppermint oil, and gut-brain neuromodulators with each other or with placebo, while a randomized controlled trial tested fecal microbiota transplantation.

‘Test and treat’ effective, but not preferred by patients, for uninvestigated dyspepsia, review and meta-analysis finds

Testing for Helicobacter pylori and eradication treatment in those who tested positive led to fewer endoscopies than other approaches, although patients preferred prompt endoscopy as a management strategy for their symptoms.

Early colonoscopy did not improve outcomes in those hospitalized for lower GI bleeding

A meta-analysis included four randomized trials comparing outcomes of colonoscopy within 24 hours versus later elective colonoscopy and/or other diagnostic tests in patients with lower gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding.

MKSAP Quiz: Follow-up evaluation after HCV treatment

This month's quiz asks readers to determine the most appropriate course of management for a 62-year-old woman with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and well-compensated cirrhosis.

Spotlight on HCV screening

New guidance from the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the Infectious Diseases Society of America recommended universal hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening for all adults, and two recent studies reported on interventions that improved HCV screening and care in baby boomers.

FDA clears first fully disposable duodenoscope

The device is intended to be used on a single patient, removing the infection risks associated with ineffective cleaning and disinfecting between patients.

AGA releases guidelines on managing gastric intestinal metaplasia found during routine endoscopy

The guidelines from the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) will aid clinicians' decision making for patients undergoing upper endoscopy in North America, the authors said.