In the News
ACG updates guideline on diagnosis, management of Crohn's disease
The American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) guideline includes a strong recommendation on diagnosis stating that fecal calprotectin is a helpful test that should be considered to help differentiate inflammatory bowel disease from irritable bowel syndrome.
DPP-4 inhibitor use may be associated with increased risk of IBD
A British study included a cohort of 141,170 adult patients who began taking a diabetes drug between January 2007 and December 2016.
Following healthy lifestyle guidelines may improve survival among colon cancer patients
Patients with stage III colon cancer who had high concordance with the American Cancer Society Nutrition and Physical Activity Guidelines for Cancer Survivors had a five-year survival probability of 85% versus 76% for those with low concordance.
MKSAP Quiz: Colon cancer screening in a woman with a family history
This month's quiz asks readers to determine the most appropriate time to start colonoscopy screening in a 38-year-old woman with a personal history of endometrial cancer and a family history of colon cancer.
Single sigmoidoscopy screening may reduce colorectal cancer, mortality in men but not women
Patients in Norway were randomly assigned to flexible sigmoidoscopy with and without additional fecal blood testing (with colonoscopy offered if results were positive) and were compared to patients offered no screening.
Spotlight on hepatocellular cancer
One recent study assessed occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with hepatitis C-associated cirrhosis, while another looked at the effect of hepatobiliary cancer surveillance on outcomes in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis.
Drug options available for opioid-induced constipation
Four FDA-approved drugs for opioid-induced constipation form the backbone of treatment, with more options in the research pipeline.
Automated reprocessors validated for use in specific duodenoscopes
The FDA had requested validation testing data from all companies that have automated endoscope reprocessors labeled to reprocess endoscopes because of the potential association with patient infection.
FDA alerts clinicians about cross-contamination risk with certain endoscope connectors
Endoscope connectors labeled for use in multiple patients within a 24-hour period without reprocessing are not recommended for use because the FDA has not received acceptable testing data demonstrating their safety.